Avant-Garde Laundry

Architect Maxim Kashin plays homage to Russian avant-garde art of the early 20th century in a collaboration with ASKO in a limited edition laundry set.

Maximalist Laundry

ASKO laundry machines decorated in Kashin’s suprematist pattern were featured in an immersive display in Russia last in 2023

The idea of Suprematism is based on the superiority of pure geometry and color over established ideas about form and space. Square and elementary forms: circle, line, cross – are the basis of Suprematist compositions.

Maxim Kashin’s pattern is a modern interpretation of the ideology of the Russian Suprematism of the early 20th century and pays homage to the Suprematism of Russian artist Kazimir Malevich.  The interweaving of linear figures creates an immersive space of endless in Kashin’s installation.

Avant-garde Laundry

I always love a fun laundry room. I would certainly love this set in my laundry room. What do you think?


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