Is your Instagram feed full of gorgeous photos of luxury homes and gorgeous interiors?
Fortunately for you, Instagram has majorly upped your ability to create a remodeling scrapbook.
You can officially save the Instagrams you love to a private collection. Not to be confused with the feature that lets you save drafts of your Instagram posts (which was added in September)
Once you update your Instagram app, you’ll see a little bookmark icon underneath the post you are viewing.
Just tap the icon on the posts you like, and they’ll be saved so you can view them as you collect inspiration to present to your designer and builder.
To see posts you’ve saved, go to your profile and tap the bookmark icon.
Only you can see the posts you’ve saved.
You can save posts from the search tab so you don’t have to follow an individual to save their post.
Also, when you save someone’s post, they’re not able to tell that you’ve saved it.
If there’s a post that you’d like to remove from your saved items, just tap the bookmark icon below it and it will duly disappear from the Saved section.
To help you in bulding your design scrapbook, try using hashtags relevant to your search such as #customcabinetry or #backsplash. You can also use Instagram to find local professionals to help you bring your project to fruition.
Other new options you may not know have been added include the ability to send disappearing photos and videos to followers and the option to turn off comments and remove followers.