Is that a BMW in your kitchen?

ecopod.jpgRecycle in style with this sleek compactor from BMW Designworks.

The Ecopod e1 holds about 50 flattened and crushed cans or plastic bottles until the removable bin is placed curbside or taken to the redemption center.

The upper compartment has extra storage for other recyclable materials like newspapers and glass bottles.

The Ecopod is $328.00 and is available online and soon through Williams Sonoma stores.

0 Replies to “Is that a BMW in your kitchen?”

  1. I love the idea, but finding an appropriate place for it…leads to a new design dilemma of where to put it. In my very small town house kitchen, if I buy one it will be relegated to the garage, next to not my BMW but my Honda. But now I can say I have a BMW parked in my garage! ha, ha!

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