Style Guide: Eclectic

Style Guide: Eclectic Design | kitchen with different textures

“ec·lec·tic – deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.”

The English word eclectic first appeared in the seventeenth century to describe philosophers who did not belong to a particular school of thought, but instead assembled their doctrines by picking and choosing from a variety of philosophical systems. Today, the word can refer to any assemblage of varied parts. Continue reading “Style Guide: Eclectic”

INO Leone Social Kitchen

Here’s a little eye candy from Toyo Kitchens & Living. The INO Leone was developed for families that Live in their Kitchen. The INO Leone Kitchen features a unique T-shaped island that brings simplicity and artistry to Kitchen Design.


Another feature I like is that the large Toe area makes the island ADA friendly.