It’s been a hectic week for all I’m sure and since it’s my Birthday I’m going to present a simple post that I hope you find inspiring. These beautiful sculptural stairs by Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop join two levels of a Mumbai apartment. Treads of engineered walnut form the bottom portion of the staircase and ascend up as a continuous elements to create the upper steps. The wood is formed around a metal structure that is anchored to the walls on both sides. Vertical steel cables that help support the upper portion of the structure also form a balustrade.
Specifically in the SDM apartment, after a talk with each member of the family, we got a well defined program based on the customs of each user and each space, the staircase located at the center of the apartment. It was designed as a sculpture in the space with more light and natural ventilation; with very subtle lines but protagonist of the space, it can be seen almost from anywhere in the public areas, it becomes the articulator of spaces and is replicated in other architectural elements such as blinds and ceiling; every space, every detail meets a special character of the users, every color, every picture, every kitchen utensil, every linen was specifically chosen to complete this project and to make it unique.
The workshop used models and renderings to mock up the large sculptural piece for the client.
About Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop:
Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop is formed by young architects, graduates of different universities in Mexico, EEUU and Spain, founded in 1996. Their professional practice has led them to realization of projects of public and private character in different Geographic latitudes and parallels.
These stairs are incredible. I can’t believe they fit into such a small space. They are a work of art in themselves.