Amana Refrigerators

Amana Refrigerator DesignsAmana first let us add color to the kitchen with their Jot refrigerator featuring doors with a dry erase finish. 

Just recently at the International Builder’s Show Amana showed 10 new possible decorative finishes for their top-mount freezer model. 

 Unfortunately, ten different designs are too  many to actually produce, so Amana is soliciting your input on which models you like best.

You can rate the designs from most to least favorite, and in return they’ll give you a personality profile based on your choices.

I’m a type 10 on their survey.
“Content in your own skin and intensely avid about your interests, you are proud of your self-sufficiency and intelligence…”

If you don’t agree with the survey results or have multiple personalities, as Amana puts it, you can retake the survey.

jot in garage      Jot

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